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Our strap-line is
“Loving God, Loving Others”
1.  God-centred, Jesus-focussed, Spirit-filled
2. Community & Mission
3. Discipleship

We see these core values as describing our passion for God and for seeing our lives, and the lives of people in our community, transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, and we seek to centre our lives on God, through sound biblical teaching, prayer and worship.


We hunger and thirst for God’s presence, we seek to hear and obey God’s voice speaking to us individually and collectively, and we strive to see the gifts of the Spirit in operation.


We seek to follow Jesus’ teaching and example, to encourage each other in thinking through what this means, and to apply God’s word in our daily lives, open to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through us.


We work this out through small groups, prayer groups, prayer partnering, Sunday meetings, outreach and evangelism, creativity in prayer and worship, and through generosity.

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